Welcome to the new-look Brigade Models online shop. The old site served us well for many years, but we needed a more modern design that can handle different platforms and screen layouts, especially mobile devices, so here we are. This new site is more capable and allows you to create an account and track your previous orders. It allows us more flexibility with regards to sales and promotions and should be easier to maintain. Some of the older content from the website has gone (for now) but we’re working to bring it back.
Due to new regulations, we are currently unable to ship to any countries within the EU or EEA and we’ve disabled shipping options for those locations. We hope to be able to resume sometime in 2025. We have to apologise for the inconvenience but it’s beyond our control. You can read more on our blog here.
Shows 2025
- February 23rd – Cavalier, Tonbridge
- March 1st – Hammerhead, Newark
- April 12th –Salute, London
- June 14th – Broadside, Gillingham
- July* – The Joy of Six, Sheffield (TBC)
- September 6th –Colours, Newbury
- October 25th – Re-Play, RE Museum, Gillingham (TBC)
Latest News
You can still access our blog at its old address – https://brigademodels.co.uk/Blog/index.php or you can see the latest posts below.
- We released the DORC (the Deep Ocean Research Centre) buildings almost three years ago (really – was it that long ? We had to double check to make sure). And now it’s finally time to add to them with this … Continue reading →
- After what felt like the longest month ever, we have at last reached February. And that means that we’ll soon be returning to the show circuit, with our first event, Cavalier, coming up in just under three weeks, followed by … Continue reading →
- Today we’re continuing to look at developments in European aerial warship design. The two biggest powers in Eastern Europe are the empires of Austria-Hungary and Russia, and both continue to develop their substantial air fleets. Following some severe reverses against … Continue reading →
- Today sees the releases of a couple of 15mm support vehicles that are crucial for work just behind the lines. The Lynx Befehlswagen provides command and control to German infantry units, and is equipped with the same sensor and communications … Continue reading →
- There was a further addition to the Agri Colony shops that we released on Friday, part of the same range but not quite related. Normally we’d have bundled them together in the same release, but there’s something slightly different about … Continue reading →