15mm Doors and Widgets

Having had some test prints back from Shapeways, we’ve added two new items to our Shapeways store today. We’re making the doors and widgets that we use on our 15mm buildings available as seperate items so that you can customise our models or use them on your own scratchbuilds.

The first item is a selection of doors, both single doors (five designs) and a couple of larger double doors (two designs). You can buy either a set of ten or 20, the latter being ever-so-slightly cheaper per door.

CGI Image - doors

The other item is a collection of fans, vents and other widgets in six designs – two of each.

CGI Image - vents and fans

For the best detail we’d recommend having them printed in Frosted Detail or Frosted Ultra Detail acrylic.

Doors and vents in Frosted Ultra Detail acrylic

An economical alternative is Polished White, Strong, Flexible nylon – the detail isn’t quite as sharp but it’s still perfectly acceptable.

Doors and widgets in White, Strong, Flexible, Polished nylon

Available now from our Shapeways Shop.

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