Bored now …

Just in case you thought we’d gone quiet on the 15mm Power Armour

I’m in the middle of cleaning up castings for 58 arms and 18 torsos to make the production moulds. After much debate, we’ve decided on a solution of torsos with cast-on left arms and separate weapon arms (as much as anything, because we don’t think cast on weapons arms would be possible in the poses we would like). The arms have already gone off for moulding, but the torsos are lying on my desk being filed and sanded to remove mould lines and casting sprues. And, by George, it is tedious work … ! I took a photo of the torsos lined up just as an excuse to take a break and write this post !

The filing and cleaning is all done, the next stage is to take dremel and superglue and attach the left arms. After that, the joins need to be filled with green stuff – only then can they go off to Phil to be moulded. It’s a race against time as I leave for a week in France on Saturday, and they need to be ready so Phil can mould them while I’m away !

UPDATE – the race against time was won, the torso tins have left for mould-making …

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