Back to Neu Celle

Neu Celle has had to take a back seat recently with the preparations for SELWG and Crisis, but I managed to find some time in the last couple of days to do a little more work.

The buildings have all finally been drybrushed, which has pulled together all of the staining and shading from the washes, and I have to say I’m pretty pleased with the final result. The combination of the staining from the various wash stages and the lighter drybrush has resulted in some pretty worn and weathered looking buildings, exactly what I was after. All that’s left to do for now is paint the doors and other details, and then I’ll be able to put them on the table (at last).

I’ve also painted the rubbish skips and Moisture Collector Units (MCUs) which we released recently. All of the models were rinsed in clean water first to remove any dust from the 3D printing process, then given a quick white undercoat from a spray can once they had dried. The skips were easy to paint, just a simple coat base of paint followed by a heavy wash to dirty them down. Incidentally, after a slight redesign of the models we’ve dropped the price by about 65p or so, which has to be good 🙂

The MCUs were superglued to 1¢ (euro) coins to act as bases (and weigh them down nicely so they don’t topple over). They were then washed in Citadel Badab Black, followed by a drybrush in white, then some small coloured details (just a red band around the top). The base was textured using Tamiya textured paint (this is very expensive but I had some left over from a previous project, so I might as well use it up !). A little bit of flock on the base and that was it. The MCUs will be very handy as small terrain pieces in both 15mm and 6mm – there’s not much to give their scale away.

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