More 15mm Goodness

Following on from the first successful castings of the Bizon bits last week, I’m suddenly feeling much better about finally making some progress with our new 15mm models. We have several Neo-Soviet vehicles printed and in various stages of the mould-making process which will be the first new releases. But while we’ve been experimenting with the mould-making process, we’ve been working on future releases. Today I’m going to let you have a peak at the first of the PacFed models – these have gone to the printer so we’ll have the masters back soon, although they’ll be behind the Neo-Soviets in the production queue.

As you can see, we’ve redesigned the models a bit, making them a bit more angular and giving them some distinctively fearsome-looking railguns, as well as introducing some details not on their 6mm counterparts.

The different colours indicate the way the models are divided up for printing and moulding. The main hulls (yellow) will be resin, the rest of the parts will be metal castings.

Cougar Tank

Wombat MICV

Ocelot Light Tank

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