Late Arrival

UPS got their act together and remembered to put the parcel on the van this time, so the new batch of 2mm building prints have arrived. This package contained, amongst other things, the farms, factories and terraced houses that we previewed at the end of last month. Once I’d brushed the left-over nylon dust off, they look pretty good – the factories especially, with their larger windows and tall chimneys.

I’m also pleased with the farms, the oast houses and windmills should give a very rural feel to your layouts.

And finally the terraces, perfect places to house the workers for your factories.

And these … ? Poplar trees. Spray green, paint the trunks grey/brown, cover in flock. No idea if they’ll look any good, haven’t tried it yet, but I’m hopeful !

We’re looking at releasing these sets over the next 3-4 weeks, so keep an eye out here and on the website.

This entry was posted in 3D Print, Land Ironclads, Previews, Small Scale Scenery. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Late Arrival

  1. Andreas says:

    Tony, are those printed in White, Strong, and Flexible? How deep are those windows set?

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