Celtos Base-ics #2

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Having written a rambling piece about the new unit bases for Celtos, I mentioned that we were already in the process of making resin cast bases, but neglected to show any pictures.


As you can see in the picture above, there are five types of base

  • ten normal infantry figures on 25mm bases (this is the basic warband)
  • ten infantry figures, one of which is on a large (40mm) base (warband with large hero leader)
  • four 40mm bases (most cavalry or monsters on large bases)
  • three 40mm bases (Fomorian Blood Reavers)
  • plain base (for very large monsters, chariots etc)

The bases have been 3D modelled and printed so the slots for each base are precise and fit perfectly. In this next picture, the bases have been given a textured surface and then sprayed with primer – if we didn’t do this then the texture material would be pulled off by the mould.


The next task is making RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanising) rubber moulds for each base (multiple moulds of the more common bases). I make these three at a time, to avoid too much wastage of the rubber. The bases are lined up in mould formers (in this case, they are very cheap metal flan dishes from Asda !) ready to have the rubber poured over them. The scales and calculator are to work out the exact amount of rubber I need (it’s too expensive to mix too much and then throw it away), the calculations are scribbled somewhere on the newspaper !


Hopefully we should have some sample castings to show you soon.

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