Into Action

On Saturday, we tried out a game of Ambush Alley Games’ Tomorrow’s War rules in 15mm using our buildings and vehicles and GZG figures.


We tried two scenarios, a pilot rescue mission (from the rulebook) and a more ad-hoc meeting encounter between two forces mismatched in both size and technology level. With a large number of players (starting with seven then adding another later) we were lucky to have an umpire experienced with AAG’s Force-on-Force ruleset who helped the game flow smoothly.


The rules worked well, they modelled the differences between units with different levels of technology and ability well, and most importantly we had a lot of fun.


What was notable is that it was the first time I’d managed to get my Neu Celle 15mm buidings on a table, albeit in a 90% finished state, and it also marked the combat debuts of the PacFed Wombat APC and Neo-Soviet Laska tankette. It has to be said that the PacFed vehicle fared rather better than it’s Soviet counter-part, which was turned into pile of smoking wreckage by a three-man Power Armour team armed with a missile launcher and chain gun.


So when can you buy these models ? We’ve had them on the table, and you’ll be able to soon – the first two PacFed vehicles, the Cougar MBT and Wombat APC, will be available this coming weekend – we’ll announce it here, on our mailing list and on as many other lists and news-sites as we can find as soon as they’re ready.


UPDATE 17/01/2012 – there are more photos on the Maidstone Wargames Society website

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3 Responses to Into Action

  1. Shawn Carpenter says:

    I’m glad you guys had fun with the game!

    The buildings and vehicles look great – I’m going to post a link to this article over on our forum ( so people can get a look at ’em. Feel free to post news about your stuff over there, too! There’s a lot of guys over there that would be interested – me included!

    All the best,

    Shawn Carpenter
    Ambush Alley Games

    • Tony says:

      Shawn – I’ve registered for membership of your forums but don’t seem to have been approved yet (or if I have then I haven’t got any notification).

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