Aeronef at Stoke Rochford – photo report

Last weekend, we ventured north of the Watford Gap to Stoke Rochford Hall, a converted Victorian country house which now serves as a hotel, conference centre, wedding venue and – for this particular weekend – a wargaming venue. Organised by David Frampton, who works at the hall, we were going to join in a large Aeronef game put on by Jon Rogers (you may remember his spectacular Aeronef game seen at Salute 2011 and other shows).


After a late departure (my fault, I had to fix some stuff for work before being able to get going) and an eventful journey (well, it was mostly OK apart from missing the turning off the A1 to Stoke Rochford …) we arrived slightly too late for dinner and had to be content with the local McDonalds. However, after a late night tour of the hall, a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast we were ready for a day’s gaming.

I won’t go into the full details, but suffice to say that Admiral Dewey’s Great White Fleet under my command took a bit of a pummelling from the combined forces of the British Pacific Fleet and a Confederate squadron.

Next year we are going to endeavour to make it up for the whole weekend (and not miss dinner this time !).

Credit for the the models goes to Jon Rogers (Great White Fleet), Trevor Brown (British) and Dave Marshall (Confederates).

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One Response to Aeronef at Stoke Rochford – photo report

  1. John Peterson says:

    Wow! Those ships look absolutely amazing!!!

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