Celtos – Immortal Rulers of the Elements


The Sidhe are superior fighters, their serpent reflexes and superior bows making them good hand-to-hand fighters and archers. They also have superb cavalry mounts in the form of drakes, which are faster and more ferocious than most other races. sidhe2

Perhaps the most dangerous elements of the Sidhe are the sorcerers, ancient beings so steeped in elemental magic that the oldest have assumed terrifying serpent forms, combining potent magic with raw, primal ferocity.sidhe3

The Sidhe in Celtos are actually four different factions. Each representing an elemental power. Players choosing the Sidhe will have to decide which of those elements suits their playing style. Thunder and Lightning, Ice, Earth and Stone or Eternal Fire will each have different elite warrior types to compliment the Sidhe rank and file.

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