Celtos – Favoured Children of the Goddess

Welcome to the last of our introductions to the races in Celtos.


Gaels are athletic and skilled fighters who rely on skirmish tactics to draw out an enemy’s forces so that they can be hit by heavier warbands such as Gael bondsmen and cavalry.


The Gael player will quickly realise that they command a strong and varied force, but unlike other races the Gaels love life and don’t throw their lives away for no gain. Strong leaders able to steady the nerves of their warriors are essential.


Of all the races of Celtos the fighting style of the Gaels will be the most familiar to players. This familiarity makes the Gaels a good army for a beginning player, but as with all the different races to get the best out of them will take practice.

Stay tuned to the blog for more updates on Celtos, and don’t forget to swing by the Brigade Models stand at this years SALUTE show to see the superb Celtos range up close.

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