Back again !

I’m back from sunnier climes, after a 10-hour race across France to make our scheduled train crossing !

Full of ideas for new models, there are some lovely buildings in the region which are crying out to be part of our 2mm range. I’ve returned with 200+ photos and several books, now I just need to make some free time …

I’ve gone straight back into Brigade mode – there was a parcel of new prints waiting for me on my return, so this has been ripped open and I’ve been busily prepping them for moulding. In the photo below we have some large detached English houses (top left) and English town buildings (top right) – town hall, library, large school, hospital, clock tower etc. The bottom row is the start of range of Normandy buildings – several churches, a mairie and a set of rural/small village buildings.


And in case you think we’d forgotten all about them, the remastered British spaceships are also ready to be remoulded:


This entry was posted in 3D Print, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Back again !

  1. michael connor says:

    I think I read ‘somewhere’ you guys will be producing Central European ‘Gothic’ type, buildings, is this true? Will they be 1/2 timbered?? I think, in addition, a Gothic-type cathedral(or two) and fortified walls and towers would be a necessity for city models.

    • Tony says:

      Yes we will be, although I have no timeframe for this yet; I’d like to do some half-timbered buildings since they’ll also stand in for fantasy games.

  2. Covertwalrus says:

    Good to see the British ONESS starships are under way! šŸ™‚

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