New Rules and Salute Special Offer

This is a great time to be a 15mm SF gamer, there’s a plethora of great figures and there are also many excellent sets of rules to use them with. We already have one of these, Legionnaire Games’ Platoon Leader from their Strike Legion series, and for Salute we’ll be carrying not one, but two more. From Poland we’re extremely pleased to have a number of copies of Assault Publishing’s PMC 2640 rules, and if you want to see how these work, Marcin at AP has put up a free download with the core rule mechanisms for you to try.


And if that wasn’t enough, we’ll also be stocking Robin Fitton’s Gruntz ruleset which has gathered a lot of positive reviews and feedback (I think Robin ambushed me while drunk at Stoke Rochford!). You can read much more about Gruntz on Robin’s dedicated website.


Both sets of rules will retail at £20.00.

And so to a special offer at Salute; if you buy any set of 15mm rules (Gruntz, PMC 2640 or Platoon Leader), we’ll give you 10% off any 15mm vehicles or figures that you purchase at the same time, or if you buy any two of the three sets, we’ll make that 20% off any accompanying vehicles or figures. That’s a great chance to snap up a set (or two) of rules and save money on the models to play them with.

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