New EuroFed Vehicles

Back in October we previewed a number of new 15mm EuroFed vehicles; most of these have now been released, although a couple have been stuck in development for a little while. Today we’re releasing three more of them, the EuroFed Tassigny command and AA vehicles and the Juin AA tank. All three were held up by the unavailability of the mould for the radars, but now that’s online we’re also adding the radars themselves to the 15mm accessories range for scratchbuilders and converters. The Juin quad AA turret is also a further option for the EuroFed Turret Bunker.


We’ve also taken the opportunity to add more items to the accessories range – these are the rectangular and round hatches which are supplied with most vehicles, but should be of help to scratchbuilders.

SF15-401c – Juin AA Tank – £8.00
SF15-403c – Tassigny Command Vehicle – £8.00
SF15-403d – Tassigny AA Vehicle – £8.00
SF15-907 – Radars and aerials (four of each) – £2.50
SF15-908 – Round hatches (x12) – £1.25
SF15-909 – Rectangular hatches (x12) – £1.25
B15-1002d – EuroFed Turret Bunker – £9.00

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