Across the Serengeti

In the old 15mm range we had just two models from the South African Federation, yet those two consistently sold very well. The old Rhino and Buffel are no longer available, but fear not, their remodelled replacements are just around the corner.

We have new masters for the Rhino (which is a big ol’ tank) and the larger of the SAC APCs, the Wildebeest. The printed masters are not very clear in photographs, so I’ll try to take some photos of primed versions soon so you can see the detail better.



The basic Wildebeest APC has a pintel-mount machine gun (almost invisible in the photo above), so at the same time we’ve taken the opportunity to make up several other pintel weapons. L-R they are a railgun, tri-barrel gatling, MG and six-barrel gatling. These pintel weapons will be available as add-on packs so you can convert/upgrade your vehicles.


I’ll be starting to cleanup and prep these models for moulding in the next week or so with a view to a release in early August. I’ll try to take

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