Light Tanks

We have four new 15mm vehicles available today, all tanks and on the lighter side.


Firstly, there are the last two of Kirk and Zac’s Mercenary Brigade vehicles, the Legion Missile System and Warlock Support Tank. The Legion is equipped with a heavy, 18-round support missile pod for heavy indirect firepower, while the Warlock has a smaller turret with twin powerguns and two 9-round anti-tank missile pods. Both are mounted on the versatile Shaman chassis. Both turrets can also be fitted to the Turret Bunker installation.

The German Baldur is a much lighter recce tank with an asymmetric turret carrying an autocannon and 4 anti-tank missiles. A dedicated tank-hunter variant carries a second missile pod in place of the autocannon.

Platoon Packs are also available for the Legion, Warlock and Baldur tank. These have three tanks plus crew and accessories, all for less than the cost of the three individual tanks.

SF15-306 – Baldur Light Tank – £6.00
SF15-306a – Baldur Missile Tank – £6.00
SF15-1504 – Legion Missile System – £8.00
SF15-1505 – Warlock Support Tank – £8.00
SF15-1002q – Mercenary Turret Bunker – £9.00
PP15-306 – Baldur Platoon Pack – £17.00
PP15-1504 – Legion Platoon Pack – £23.00
PP15-1505 – Warlock Platoon Pack – £23.00

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  1. Pingback: 15mm Light Tanks Released | The Wargames Website

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