Hammered by the Slammers

I had the very good fortune last weekend to spend Saturday afternoon in a game of Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible, playing against one of the rulebook’s authors, John Treadaway.


I was fielding my shiny new Alaudae Legion mercenaries against John’s New Ukranians supported by a detachment of upgraded Slammers.

I won’t attempt to go through the game blow-by-blow, but suffice it to say that despite John’s very generous efforts to help me with the subtle details of the rules, I didn’t emerge the winner. This was mostly due to my inability to roll anything useful when firing my missiles (to quote John, ‘some of the worst serial dice throwing I’ve ever seen!’). John has put up some pictures on the official website, while below I’ve put up a selection of mine. I’m looking forward to a rematch when I attempt to get my own back ! One lesson will be to rearm my heavy laser tanks with bigger guns…

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