Broadside Update

Ever get the feeling it’s not going to be your day? Around a mile or two from home this morning, the Brigade Battlebus suffered a driveshaft failure and had to be rescued by the AA. With Broadside looming in the morning, this isn’t great timing (to say the least). The Brigadieress has very kindly offered a loan of her car tomorrow and we’ll also cram more into Phil’s, so we will still be able to have a presence at the show. But our cargo capacity is still much reduced, and we will have to cut down on what we’re able to bring. We won’t know exactly what until we load up later this evening, but I suspect it means we will have to leave behind the individual stock of some ranges (probably 6mm, Aeronef and Spaceships as these take up a lot of transport space). We will still bring the fleet/company/army packs for these ranges, and stock for the other main ranges (Celtos, 2mm buildings, 15mm SF, Great War) shouldn’t be affected. If there’s something in particular you’re after that we’re unable to bring with us, we’ll arrange for that to be sent to you post free.


There may also be a knock-on effect to mail order as well – the workshop is quite a distance from home and I have no way to get there without a car. So depending on when I can arrange for a repair, there may be some delays.

Other than that, I’ve had quite a good day… :-/

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