Horizon Wars in Stock

The latest in a recent succession of big boxes o’ stuff to arrive at Brigade Towers contained a number of copies of Osprey’s new Horizon Wars rulebook. This is a fast-paced set of combined arms rules aimed at 6mm or 10mm models. The Mech is the king of the battlefield, although if big stompy walkers aren’t your thing then they work perfectly well with conventional forces too. I can attest from personal experience that they are a lot of fun, having tried them out recently at my club.


They use some novel mechanics that are quite quick to pick up – after just a turn or so we rarely needed to refer to the rulebook. They require each player to have a number of 12-sided dice, and we handily now have those in stock. As an opening special offer, every order for Horizon Wars placed before the end of June will receive a free set of ten D12s to help get you started.


HW-001 – Horizon Wars – £19.50

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