Bolt from the Blue

Today’s new release is a set of 6mm vehicles neatly connected to our recent acquisition of the 15mm Hammer’s Slammers range of models, although it has to be said that these new ones were in place and complete before the 15mm deal was mooted. I created the 3D masters of all of these vehicles from scratch by referencing 15mm castings from Ainsty, but ironically just three days ago we were provided with the original data files for the larger models, which would have saved me an awful lot of work ! C’est la vie …

What we have are large half-tracks for the Thunderbolt Division, a veteran combined arms formation led by Colonel Chiro. There are five variants of the Dragoon series of vehicles, which all use the same chassis with different turrets – these include powergun armed Tank/ICV, tank destroyer, missile-carrying Schlepper, anti-aircraft/anti-missile Calliope and infantry-carrying M/ICV (there is also a command variant in the detachment list, this is externally identical to the M/ICV). The models are available individually, and we’ve also created two packs representing the Panzer Grenadier and Panzer detachments on the Thunderbolt playsheet. The playsheet also lists the smaller Viking recce half-track – this will be available early in the new year, along with the 15mm version – you might be able to spot one or two Vikings in the background of the photos.

We’ve got hold of a few copies of the Crucible rulebook, so these are now listed (under our 15mm range) on the website.

And as a final bonus, here’s a new vehicle for the Slammers themselves – the E8 ‘Wrenchmobile’ recovery vehicle. This is a large flat-bed GEV used for fixing disabled vehicles in the field, and it can also recover combat cars if necessary (blower tanks are too heavy even for the E8). In emergencies they have also been deployed by the Slammers as very large infantry carriers.

HSC-006 – Hammer’s Slammers:Crucible Rulebook – £25.00
HS-1615 – E8 Wrenchmobile – £2.00
HS-1801 – Thunderbolt Panzer Grenadier Detachment – £7.25
HS-1802 – Thunderbolt Panzer Detachment – £8.00
HS-1811 – Br59 Dragoon 2 T/ICV – £1.25
HS-1812 – Br66 Tank Destroyer – £1.25
HS-1813 – Br58SM Schlepper – £1.25
HS-1814 – Br54/56 Dragoon 2 M/ICV – £1.25
HS-1815 – Br57 Calliope – £1.25

And work is progressing nicely on the 15mm Slammers – the first of these will be on the website next week if all goes to plan.

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