Author Archives: Phil

Elite: Dangerous

And now for something a little different…… If the picture below means anything to you then probably :- – you’re in your forties – you’re a little more round in the middle than you would like – you owned a … Continue reading

Posted in Updates and General Waffle | 2 Comments

Out of the melting pot….

After a busy couple of days mould making I popped along to the workshop to try out two of three of the new master moulds. The castings shown are pretty much as they came out of the casting machine so … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Previews | 5 Comments

Rescued from Parcelforce

Thanks to the New Zealand postal service we managed to track down the package of Belgian civilians that we feared had been seen for the last time. It was held up because some import VAT had to be paid before … Continue reading

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It isn’t easy being green……

The master models (or “greens”) for the new Belgian civilians previewed here and here left New Zealand around five weeks ago. Unfortunately so far they haven’t been seen since. We’ve not even had a sniff of them being held up in … Continue reading

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At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.

For The Fallen With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill; … Continue reading

Posted in Great War | Comments Off on At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.

Another Belgian sneak peek

In addition to completing the Belgian civilians Aaron has also started on something else for our WWI range. He hasn’t finished yet so just a little sneak peek for now……

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More Belgians….

Following on from the rather belated release of our latest Belgian infantry figures we have a preview of some more. This time its a selection of six (well actually six and a half) refugees. As with the others in the … Continue reading

Posted in Great War, Previews | 4 Comments

Aeronef previews

My master building days haven’t quite gone according to plan (sick children & shopping for my mother) but I have managed to make some progress. Tony introduced me to the Caproni Ca.60 a little while ago. This was a prototype passenger … Continue reading

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Whilst the cat is away……

Ok so this is a fairly shameless excuse to get a picture of one my cats on the internet. However the wife is going away for five whole days to Snowdonia with some friends so naturally I’m taking time off … Continue reading

Posted in Furry Friends, Updates and General Waffle | Comments Off on Whilst the cat is away……

Brigade Models Real Estate Ltd

Salute is only a few day away now and the list of things to do seems to grow every day. One thing however that we can tick off as done is the stock for our 6mm buildings. Lining the buildings … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Salute 2012 | 1 Comment