Category Archives: 15mm SF

Slammers Upgrades

Today we’re releasing more reinforcements for our 6mm Hammer’s Slammers forces. There are uparmoured versions of the M2A4UA tank and M9A7 combat car, plus new artillery support on the form of the M53 20cm Artillery Hog. The new tanks have … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 2 Comments

Anarchy in the UK

In preparation for the release of our new 15mm Neo-Soviet tanks, the Vombat and the Bars, I wanted to paint up some samples for the website. Inspired by an article written by the editor in the February issue of Miniature … Continue reading

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Guards, Guards !*

We’ve put out the odd photo of a new 15mm tank lately, and we’re pleased to say that it’s finally ready for release. There are in fact two of them, similar but each with a different role on the battlefield. … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 5 Comments

Polyversal Fulfilled

Great news – two large boxes landed on Collins Epic Wargames doorstep last week containing around 1600 vehicles and 1200 Power Armour. That means we’ve fulfilled the final part of our contribution to the Polyversal Kickstarter. Apparently we’re the first … Continue reading

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Starship Crew

As today’s new release we have a pack of extremely useful new 15mm figures – a set of uniformed starship crew. The set of four includes two armed figures, one with a datapad and a senior officer – the perfect … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 3 Comments

Going Rogue

A recent release from Osprey Games is the Rogue Stars rulebook. Rather than attempt my own description of how they work, here’s a quote directly from the Osprey website: Rogue Stars is a character-based science fiction skirmish wargame, where players … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Merry Christmas !

So that’s pretty much it for the year. We’ve managed to ship out all the sale orders (the UK ones went on Wednesday to catch the last post and the overseas ones on Thursday), plus any other orders that arrived … Continue reading

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Ten Sale Days Remaining

The Christmas sale is merrily sailing along (excuse the pun), and I’m going up to the local post office almost daily with piles of orders to be dispatched. It has ten days to run, so you still have plenty of … Continue reading

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Small-Scale Slammers Action

Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible author (and newly-appointed Miniature Wargames editor) John Treadaway recently visited our club, Maidstone Wargames Society, again for another Slammers game – this time in 6mm. We utilised the club’s Pegasus Bridge WW2 terrain boards, but replaced all … Continue reading

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Death Spirit

As this is published, I’m just stuffing the last few bits in the car ready to drive to the EuroTunnel for the journey to Crisis in Antwerp. I’m pretty well stocked, with plenty of Aeronef, spaceships, Celtos figures, 6mm and … Continue reading

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