Category Archives: 15mm SF

More British Infantry Options

Our British infantry now have both command and support weapon packs available to go with the infantry released recently. The command pack has five figures plus a small uplink radar, while the support weapons pack has GPMG, grenade launcher, sniper … Continue reading

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Pole Position

Poland has had a fraught time since the creation of the modern state (the Second Republic) at the end of the Great War. Acting as a buffer zone between Germany and the Soviet Union/Russia, it was invaded by both countries … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

… which is why it’s taken a little bit longer to get all of our models into production. A combination of a failed temple mould (and a master destroyed trying to get it out of the mould !) and a … Continue reading

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Special Forces

Painting moved on apace last week, so today we’ve added a further three packs of 15mm figures to the website, all special forces types. The Neo-Soviets get a pack of eight Spetsnaz figures. As a change from painting green/khaki uniforms, … Continue reading

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Firefly and Wolf

This is the Shaman Firefly. The medium laser in the original Shaman has been replaced by a long-barrelled 22cm discarding sabot gun, with storage for the ammunition in the extended turret bustle. The roof-mounted support weapon has given way to … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 2 Comments

Tommy Atkins

The latest 15mm figures to hit the website are this pack of British infantry. This is a 10-man squad split into two fireteams, each with an NCO, support weapon and three riflemen. SF15-160 – British Infantry Squad – £3.75 These … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Broadside Update

We had a productive day at the workshop yesterday, stocking up on the last few bits and pieces for Broadside tomorrow. In particular, we were concentrating on producing plenty of the former Armies Army figures that we now own. As … Continue reading

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China Crisis

Yet more 15mm figures today (we’re adding them to the website as fast as I can paint them !). These are Chinese (CDSU) troopers in helmets with enhanced night vision goggles (ENVG). The rifle squad consists of two four-man fireteams … Continue reading

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Sentry Weapons

We have something a bit different today. These are EuroFed remote weapons mounts, fixed autonomous systems that can be set up and left to rely on their AI to select and engage targets (although the AI isn’t always as discriminating … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments

Veldt Warriors

Joining our South African 15mm army this week are these infantry in bush hats – perfect for operations on the plains of southern Africa. The 10-man squad consists of two five-man fireteams each consisting of a squad leader, three riflemen … Continue reading

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