Category Archives: 15mm SF

Alien Infantry

As mankind expanded beyond the solar system, if other civilisations were out there then one day we were going to make contact. Inevitably, given the vastness of the galaxy, it turned out that we weren’t alone after all. One of … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments

Penal Servitude

In the Gulags of Eastern Russia and the Laogai of central China, one option for lifers is to serve in a Penal battalion with the promise of early release, rather than rot in jail. Survive 3 months of suicidal combat … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Not a Drop to Drink

One of the defining things about desert worlds is that they’re dry – very dry. Any moisture is precious and is collected by any means possible, from underground wells, lakes and also from the atmosphere. Hygroscopic moisture collectors coax water … Continue reading

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Bring in the Infantry !

Last week I finished painting up my first batch of our 15mm Infantry figures that we brought out at Salute (not helped by a rogue pigeon that divebombed my photo-shoot at one point !). Originally they were going to be … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 3 Comments

More 15mm Releases

Today we’re releasing what I think is the largest model we’ve yet made, plus re-releasing an old favourite. The former is the 15mm Control Tower model that we sneaked through just before Salute. This 10″ tall model is part of … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 3 Comments

Polish Half-tracks Released

Continuing the new releases, today we have more vehicles in our 15mm Science-Fiction range. Although SF, they use an older motive technology – half-tracks. They are the first Polish armoured vehicles in the range (although not the last, there are … Continue reading

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Air Traffic Control

Keen-eyed readers of John Treadaway’s column in the April issue of Miniature Wargames would have noticed a new model from us which has yet to be seen anywhere else – the 15mm Control Tower. This is a pretty huge new … Continue reading

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PBI Update

With just three days until Salute, the stock bins are filling up, as you can see from this box of 15mm infantry blisters. After a couple of queries, we thought it might be handy to detail the exact contents of … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Salute 2015 | 1 Comment

An Old Warrior Returns

A popular model in our 15mm range that has been out of production for a while is the Athena VTOL. This is a transport ship capable of hauling an infantry platoon or small AFV. Phil has completely remoulded all of … Continue reading

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The Salute Sticky Page

Assuming all goes to plan, this page will list everything we’re planning to release at Salute this year. We’ve made it a ‘sticky’ page, which means that it will remain at the top of the blog until the big day … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Great War, New Releases, Salute 2015, Shows, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships | 4 Comments