Category Archives: 15mm SF

The Army Marches On!

Denizens of the Facebook 15mm SF Group may have noticed a post yesterday by Keith of ArmiesArmy, explaining that he’s taken his infantry figures off the website because they have been moved to a new home. We’re very pleased to … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Updates and General Waffle | 6 Comments

New Fireteam Base Options

As my 15mm armies grow, I’m finding that I need new infantry basing options for different forces. So today we’re adding several new types to our range of Fireteam Bases. If you haven’t come across these before, they’re a range … Continue reading

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Another fine day …

In contrast to yesterday’s near gales, today was a bit calmer and warmer – so perfect weather for casting outdoors again. As well as casting for orders and Salute stock, I was able to try out some new moulds for … Continue reading

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One Month and Counting …

I like days like today – it’s a brisk spring day, not too cold, so I can do some resin casting outside (but not so warm that the resin sets too fast, which can be a problem in the summer). … Continue reading

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Relative Size

Over the weekend I had a couple of requests for size comparison photos of some of our models – one for a shot comparing our new 15mm AmRep tanks with their 6mm counterparts, the other relating to the size of … Continue reading

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Salute 2015 is now about five-and-a-half weeks away. Loads of time, aeons. That said, the show edition of Miniature Wargames has just dropped through the letterbox which reminds us that we’re getting ever closer. We’ve been planning our show releases … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 2015 | 2 Comments

American Republic Armour

After Tuesday’s minor ‘leaving all the orders at the workshop’ FUBAR, we’re back to normal, Friday 13th notwithstanding ! Everything has been safely retrieved and sent – although you may detect a faint whiff of burning when you open your … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 3 Comments

Gruntz Activation Cards

Yesterday was a workshop day, doing metal casting for orders (and stock, we’re already slowly gearing up to Salute – at the moment this just involves doing a few extra castings every time we spin a mould and keeping them … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Yanks and their Tanks

Do you remember the postie turning up last week with, amongst other things, some new 15mm American Republic SF vehicles ? We haven’t wasted any time with these and they’ve already been cleaned up and moulded. Since the plastic masters … Continue reading

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Slamming Maidstone

A couple of weeks ago Maidstone Wargames Society had the privilege of hosting a 15mm Hammer’s Slammers game run by John Treadaway, co-author of the rules. The game pitted my recently painted Sulewesi National Army who were fighting alongside two … Continue reading

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