Category Archives: 15mm SF

Boxes and Barrels

A few more previews today – some 15mm bits we’ve had on the back burner for a while. On the left are two types of barrel, on the right a set of eight cargo cases – both very useful stowage … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews | 1 Comment

FSHB in 6mm

As promised, a preview that isn’t Aeronef! What we have here are 6mm versions of our more recent additions to the GS-series of hover vehicles, as used by the Flaming Sword of the Holy Brotherhood and Ben Mehdi’s Legion. We … Continue reading

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Attack on Miller’s Town

I recently had the pleasure of resuming my friendly rivalry with Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible author John Treadaway with our first game for some time in his splendidly-appointed “cabin in the woods” gaming room. I faced my brand new New Ukrainian … Continue reading

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Slava Ukraini!

The New Ukrianian Army was formed from the core of the Zaporoskiye Brigade when their commander, Colonel Orlyk, decided to retire to his homeworld of New Ukrainia and emulated Alois Hammer by taking most of his troops with him. After … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

What lay beneath – part 1

I seem to be playing catchup with long abandoned 15mm building projects at the moment. So here is another one! Several years ago I had a bit of an accident whilst casting one of our advanced buildings. It certainly didn’t … Continue reading

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Mixing things up

Against all the odds there has actually been a bit more progress on my little 15mm township. Based on past performance this post is several years ahead of schedule. The majority of the buildings that I’m planning to use will … Continue reading

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A Time of Prosperity

We’re back in 15mm again today, with some brand new Hammer’s Slammers vehicles. One of the more memorable stories in the series is Rolling Hot, which deals with the campaign on the planet of Prosperity and particularly the story of … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Apathy, apathy, apathy…

Quite a while ago I painted a house and I was very happy with the results. Buoyed by the success I started on some more. And then. Well nothing really. Now obviously in wargaming terms four years between glue and … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Painting and Modelling | 1 Comment

Alien Invaders

At last, we’re finally in a position to put the last of the releases which were originally planned for Salute (!) onto the website. We hope it’s been worth the wait… Our 15mm Yenpalo Aliens have been mainly an infantry-based … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Odds and Ends

Today we have a bunch of assorted 15mm bits and pieces added to the website. There are several engineering vehicles based around the engineering kits we released recently (we will do more but it’s a matter of getting them built, … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment