Category Archives: 3D Print

This Time, For Real…

Having teased you all with CGI previews of the new Imperial Skies designs, we can show how much progress we’ve already made on the models themselves – quite a lot, in fact. When I wrote the posts on the Kaiser, … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Aeronef, Previews | 2 Comments

New Desert Domes

The 6mm Desert Dome buildings released at Salute seem to have struck a chord with many gamers, so it was inevitable that we’d want to follow up with some more. I did a little bit of tinkering with my 3D … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, Previews | 1 Comment

Shapeways Free Shipping

Recently Shapeways offered free shipping for US customers; now that has been extended to the whole world. But only until Sunday 12th, so be quick. It would be remiss of us not to point you at the Brigade3D Shapeways Shop, … Continue reading

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Shapeways – Free US Shipping

For the whole of June, Shapeways are offering free US shipping for new customers. So if you’ve been put off in the past from buying one or two bits by the shipping charges, here’s your chance to try out 3D … Continue reading

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Not a Drop to Drink

One of the defining things about desert worlds is that they’re dry – very dry. Any moisture is precious and is collected by any means possible, from underground wells, lakes and also from the atmosphere. Hygroscopic moisture collectors coax water … Continue reading

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When in Rome…

Although we’re still steadily adding our Salute collection to the website, we’re already looking forward to releases after that. The Small Scale Scenery range is still proving to be very popular, and our next releases will be somewhat older than … Continue reading

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Soviets in Space

So, next on the Salute workbench is a new range of spaceships. The latest force to get a long-overdue spacefaring (and fighting) capability are the Soviets. The first batch consists of a battleship, two cruisers, two escorts and fighters. Like … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Spaceships | 2 Comments

Mail Call – again !

The postie came Friday (several posties and couriers in fact, it was a busy day for deliveries !). The most exciting of these, notwithstanding the shiny new plastic storage boxes, was a small package from the 3D printers. Now you … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, Previews | 1 Comment

15mm Légion Étrangère

Another model making the move from 6mm to 15mm is the Catroux, wheeled APC of choice of the EuroFed Légion Étrangère. I’ve just completed the 3D modelling on the hull, wheels and the remote weapon system mount which you can … Continue reading

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No-new Release Friday

I’m afraid that the current sequence of shows has thrown our carefully crafted release schedule into a bit of a tail spin, and once again this week’s planned new items aren’t quite ready. However, a package arrived from the 3D … Continue reading

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