Category Archives: 3D Print

Shafted by Shapeways

Last night I received an email from Shapeways proclaiming a new pricing policy for certain materials – Better Pricing for Strong & Flexible Plastics is what they said. The claim is that 75% of models they sold in that material … Continue reading

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New South Africans

To follow up the recent release of the South African Rhino and Wildebeest, I’ve been working on some additional vehicles. I’ve remodelled the popular Buffel APC from the old range and beefed it up substantially – it now shares the … Continue reading

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Band on the Run

If you’ve been to one of the shows in the south-east of England this year, you might have caught a glimpse of Phil’s magnificent (and prize-winning) WWI demonstration game ‘Somewhere in Belgium’ (excellent scenery but he needs to work on … Continue reading

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Coming Soon

More 15mm previews today. This first one is a German command vehicle based on the hull of the Thor tank. It will come equipped with a radar on the rear (as in the inset 3D image). The second model is … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews | 1 Comment

Across the Serengeti

In the old 15mm range we had just two models from the South African Federation, yet those two consistently sold very well. The old Rhino and Buffel are no longer available, but fear not, their remodelled replacements are just around … Continue reading

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Phil brought several new moulds to the workshop last week. One was the production mould for a new set of 2mm civic buildings, including a town hall, grammar school, hospital, library and large church. The mould looked good, the castings … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Mouldmaking and Casting, Previews, Small Scale Scenery | 1 Comment

Oliver’s Army

This is Checkpoint Charlie – and it’s most certainly not cracking a smile. It’s a pair of small armed bunkers which form a standardised road checkpoint. Together with a pair of reinforced barriers it can be used to block up … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews, Salute 2014 | 2 Comments

Get in Quick

Salute is a-coming, rather more quickly than we would like ! As always, we’re more than happy to take pre-orders, not quite up to the last minute but certainly until a few days before the show. However, one thing that … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Salute 2014, Shapeways, Shows | 1 Comment

Mini Power

So, you know we mentioned how popular the 6mm power pylons are? Well, what about these even more miniature versions? They’re the latest addition to the 2mm scenery range on our Shapeways store. Ideal for 2mm/3mm scale ground battles or … Continue reading

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More Power

The most popular single item in our Shapeways shop is the 6mm power pylons set. The type of pylon depicted is very common in the UK, but pylon designs differ from country to country – it’s very obvious on my … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, 6mm SF, New Releases, Shapeways | 1 Comment