Category Archives: 3D Print

Expanding the Donut

My post last week about our ‘octo-donut’ colony base seems to have been pretty popular, judging by the stats on the blog and the Facebook feed. As mentioned, it needed some connecting frames to complete the construction, which duly arrived … Continue reading

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More Shapeways Stock

The promised additional deliveries have now arrived and we are now up to stock with more items from our Shapeways range. We have the ten most popular items in stock and available to order from our website, which completes our … Continue reading

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Shapeways Items Now in Stock

Recently we’ve experimented with stocking a small number of from our Shapeways Store items and selling from our stand at shows. This has proved to be successful enough that we’ve decided to try keeping more stock of the most popular … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, 6mm WW2, New Releases, Shapeways | Comments Off on Shapeways Items Now in Stock

Shapeways Weekend Offers

Shapeways are at it again – this weekend they’re offering some substantial discounts on larger orders: Spend US$75 – get $10 off Spend US$125 – get $25 off Spend US$200 – get $50 off Time to stock up on Power … Continue reading

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Pulp Action

Many of you will have seen, either in the flesh or in photos, the magnificient Pacific Aeronef game from Jon Rogers and his Arbuthnot’s Aeronautical League of Gentlemen. Jon sets his games in more of an early-C.20th ‘pulp’ background rather … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Aeronef, New Releases, Shapeways | Comments Off on Pulp Action

Shapeways Sale

Shapeways are having a 20% sale on several different materials, including White, Strong & Flexible (normal and polished) from which many of the models in our Shapeways shop are made. It runs until September 20th, so get in quick.

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That’s Better !

Regular followers of the blog will be well aware of the issues we’ve had with our British spaceships – from all the build-up to release at Salute, followed by the crashing disappointment when the initial castings of the capital ships … Continue reading

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Radio Waves

A recent addition to our Shapeways Shop is this transmitter tower model. The design is very loosely based on the Crystal Palace TV mast in south London, although much scaled down (at 1/300th scale the real thing would be 72cm … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, 6mm SF, New Releases, Shapeways | 1 Comment

Back in the Gunk Tank

It’s been a busy few days – and unfortunately not with Brigade stuff, my real job seems to be hitting milestones almost daily which has meant late nights in the office and little time to progress with new models. Frustratingly, … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print | 1 Comment

Back again !

I’m back from sunnier climes, after a 10-hour race across France to make our scheduled train crossing ! Full of ideas for new models, there are some lovely buildings in the region which are crying out to be part of … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships | 3 Comments