Category Archives: 6mm SF


Here’s yet another pre-Salute preview. This model is one that was originally designed as part of the original range of 6mm Desert Buildings when they first appeared two and a half years ago, but has only just made it into … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2014 | Comments Off on Hightower

No, really, this is your final, final chance …

After doing a few other jobs, I leave tomorrow morning for the workshop at around 10am. In my hands I would like to be clutching any last minute pre-orders for Salute. If you’ve already placed your order, then it’s already … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2014, Shows, Spaceships, Updates and General Waffle | Comments Off on No, really, this is your final, final chance …

Salute Release List

As mentioned last week, here is a first-pass release list for Salute 2014. These are releases that we are certain to have with us – the moulds are done and we’re already casting stock. We are still working on bringing … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, New Releases, Salute 2014, Shows, Small Scale Scenery | Comments Off on Salute Release List

High-rise Downtown

You know those buildings we previewed yesterday ? Well, that’s not all – there are three more larger buildings to finish off the set. There are two small blocks of apartments or offices, and a larger single-storey building. Resin isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2014 | 1 Comment

Seen these before ?

You might think you have – they’re some of our SF advanced buildings. But these are slightly different … they’re quite a bit smaller than the 15mm versions that you’re thinking of. We’ve been promising to make these in 6mm … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2014 | 1 Comment

A Fine Haul

I spent part of yesterday doing some resin casting, taking advantage of the relatively fine weather to work outside (in the UK, ‘fine weather’ = ‘not raining today’). Below is the result of my labours (most of it, anyway) – … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2014, Small Scale Scenery | Comments Off on A Fine Haul

More Power

The most popular single item in our Shapeways shop is the 6mm power pylons set. The type of pylon depicted is very common in the UK, but pylon designs differ from country to country – it’s very obvious on my … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, 6mm SF, New Releases, Shapeways | 1 Comment

New Stockist – Dungeon Castings

Not one, but two new stockists this year. Following hard on the heels of Piece of Terrain in the Czech Republic, Dungeon Castings in Livingston, Scotland now stock our 6mm Desert Buildings. They are available both on their website and … Continue reading

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Shapeways Items Now in Stock

Recently we’ve experimented with stocking a small number of from our Shapeways Store items and selling from our stand at shows. This has proved to be successful enough that we’ve decided to try keeping more stock of the most popular … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, 6mm WW2, New Releases, Shapeways | Comments Off on Shapeways Items Now in Stock

Radio Waves

A recent addition to our Shapeways Shop is this transmitter tower model. The design is very loosely based on the Crystal Palace TV mast in south London, although much scaled down (at 1/300th scale the real thing would be 72cm … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, 6mm SF, New Releases, Shapeways | 1 Comment