Category Archives: 6mm SF

Maidstone Wargames Society Open Day

Coming up this Saturday is our local club’s Open Day. Maidstone Wargames Society has a history dating back over 50 years (the Golden Jubilee was rather disrupted by the pandemic) and a current membership of around 30. The Open Day … Continue reading

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Joy of Six ’22

Our next show, the Joy of Six at Sheffield Hallam University, is just over two weeks away, on July 3rd. The show is making a come back after a couple of years off with over twenty 6mm games and a … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Shows, Squadron Commander | 1 Comment

Great War Vehicles in 28mm (and more)

News today of a new venture for us. We’ve had a store on Shapeways selling a few 3D printed bits and pieces for quite a few years; initially it did quite well, but changes in their pricing structure have made … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, 6mm SF, Great War, New Releases, Small Scale Scenery | 1 Comment

Steps of Emotion

This week’s offerings are a small collection of useful 6mm scenic items. First up is a set of eight cargo containers in various sizes, scaled down versions of our 15mm ones. You get four large, two small and two mini … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

This World of Water

Some time ago someone commented on Facebook asking why many/most sci-fi wargames buildings seem to be desert themed. He has a point, and I won’t pretend that we’re not guilty of this – we have three main desert themed building … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 3 Comments

Desert Raider Reinforcements

We’ve pretty much caught up with the backlog of orders from the Christmas holiday, and have finally updated the website for the new EU shipping solution, so it’s time for our first new release of 2022. The 15mm Desert Raider … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Coming in 2022

We did promise recently that we’d give a few clues about what we have coming in 2022 (beware what you say in a Facebook comment…). As always, our release schedule will be fairly fluid (there are weeks when we’re scrabbling … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, Aeronef, Great War, Imperial Skies, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships, Squadron Commander, Surgeon General | 1 Comment

Medical Centres

The next batch of new releases to arrive on the website are these three 6mm Medical Centres, one each in the Desert Buildings, Research Base and Moonbase ranges. These models are the first in our new Macmillan charity fund-raising range. … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Salute 2021

Before we get to the meat of this post, a quick update on orders. PayPal’s postage system was down on Saturday morning so we weren’t able to post anything – the orders were all done, they’ve just been sat in … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2021, Shows | 3 Comments

Temple of Doom

We have two new 6mm buildings today, just to keep the city builders amongst you occupied. The first is a small temple in the Desert Outlands range, somewhere to find some peace and solitude in the depths of the Outlands. … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment