Category Archives: 6mm SF

Skimming in Six

Yet more for the Salute line-up – and our only Salute release in 6mm for this year (the smaller scale gamers will have to wait for the Joy of Six in early July). We have two new sets of 6mm … Continue reading

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Baby Ape

The question most often asked when we release a new 15mm model is will you be releasing this in 6mm ?. This answer to that question is (almost) always yes, but some take a little longer than others. This week’s … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers | 1 Comment

Return of the Titan

One of our more popular models from way back when was the Cronus mech, a 1/300th scale behemoth. It’s been out of production for a while, the mould for the massive metal feet and legs wore out and we spent … Continue reading

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6mm Crucible Detachments

Something we’ve been wanting to do for a little while is expand on our range of pre-made 6mm detachment packs for the Crucible, as we have with the 15mm Hammer’s Slammers range. This week we received some new backing cards … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Shows | 1 Comment

Looking Forlorn

Firstly, another update on orders – I’ve almost caught up, everything up to the 29th of July is already packed and either sent or ready to go later this morning. I’m hoping today to finish everything from July and hopefully … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 2 Comments

Slamming into Sheffield

After any number of minor but irritating delays (mostly around getting the turrets to cast successfully), we are finally able to add 6mm versions of our recent Hammer’s Slammers releases to the website. There are a lot of them – … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 3 Comments

Jo6 Preview #3 – Air Support

Our Squadron Commander range of starfighters stand as a range (and game – you can download the rules for free) in their own right, but also do double duty as air support for our 6mm SF range. It’s been a … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Shows, Squadron Commander | 1 Comment

Jo6 Preview #2 – Guido’s Boys

Number two in our short series of Joy of Six previews is a new set of 6mm infantry for Hammer’s Slammers, Fasolini’s Company. We already have these available in 15mm, and sculptor Martin Baker has done a fantastic job of … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Previews, Shows | 1 Comment

Jo6 Preview #1 – The Nightmare Bridge

Before I start – this is the last call for Joy of Six pre-orders, I’m at Brigade Towers tomorrow casting stock and it’ll be my final chance to put any orders together. We have a few new 6mm SF items … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Shows | 1 Comment

That Sinking Feeling

Following on from last week’s first steps underground with the release of the buried structures, this week we have four more ways to live below the surface of a planet – clearly HG Well’s artilleryman was onto something. For want … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 4 Comments