Category Archives: Imperial Skies

Don’t forget…

… and …

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The Sky’s The Limit

Some fantastic news today – Rottenlead’s Imperial Skies Kickstarter has passed the first hurdle and has funded, which means that the project goes ahead and the book will be printed. This is great news after just ten days – way … Continue reading

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Imperial Skies Kickstarter

My recent trip to Antwerp for Crisis was spent in the very good company of Robin Fitton, author of the Gruntz 15mm ruleset (and several others in development). Robin was demonstrating his latest magnum opus, Imperial Skies, to all and … Continue reading

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Imperial Skies

Amongst the games on show at Broadside last weekend was the debut of a new ruleset going by the name of Imperial Skies. They are being developed by our friend Robin Fitton, author of Gruntz, the popular 15mm set. Robin … Continue reading

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