Category Archives: New Releases

The United Kingdoms

Our Scandinavian Union fleet in the Imperial Skies background is based upon the historical union between Sweden and Norway in the 19th and early 20th centuries, with the non-historical addition of Denmark. The original fleet came out back in 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

Hive Minds

OK, so we’re back from a short break and to normality again. Tony has been working hard at clearing the orders that built up while he was away. Almost everything up to April 29th has shipped, so we’re pretty much … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Allons! Allons!

Today we have the Firedrake, our tribute to the late author of the Hammer’s Slammers stories. The prototype on which it is based appears in the last ever Slammers story, ‘Save What You Can’ from the Onward, Drake compendium. The … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Civilian Runabouts

Next on the release pipeline are our two 15mm civilian vehicles, part of what we hope will grow to be an much larger range of civilian and paramilitary vehicles. The Avery Etesian is a small, 4-seater hovercar that uses a … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

It’s a Rough Galaxy

It sure is a tough life, roaming the spacelanes in search of action, adventure, or maybe just your next meal. But we have just the people (creatures ?) to do it ! The first of our Salute releases to hit … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Going to the Chapel

Salute is rapidly approaching (for us it’s no longer March 15th, it’s now S-29) and as always we hope to have a bumper bunch of releases at the show. To allow us to concentrate on getting all of these ready, … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Fortified Walls

We have two more additions to our 6mm Town Walls range today. Following on from the release of the versions with walkways at the back end of last year, we have a wall piece with a projecting bastion (for sticking … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Boat to Bolivia

This week sees the release of the penultimate South American fleet for Imperial Skies. Bolivia is landlocked and bordered by no fewer than five other countries – Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile – most of whom it has been … Continue reading

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

Return of the Crucible

Some great news for Hammer’s Slammers fans this week. The original Crucible rulebook hasn’t been available (at least from us) for a while, but this past weekend we took delivery of a new softback version. What’s in this edition ? … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment


The Han Chinese army is split into the Black Banner Guards and the People’s National Guard. Although both have ‘Guards’ on the end, the Black Banner get to ride round in fancy 8×8 APCs with big lasers on the roof, … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment