Category Archives: Painting and Modelling

Tiny Stewarts

My next Crucible detachment is the third that replicates a 15mm force – this time the Stewart Regiment. These use a combination of our British Apollo tanks and Artemis APCs, along with some co-opted Soviet Kunitsa tracked APCs (one with … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Painting and Modelling | 1 Comment

Tiny Yeomanry

Following on from the TAS, my second 6mm Crucible Detachment is the West Riding Yeomanry. They match my equivalent 15mm force, with four Montsabert hover tanks and three Tassigny APCs (one an AA variant) each carrying an infantry element for … Continue reading

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Micro Slammers – the TAS

If you’re an SF gamer, you’re probably aware that a number of our 15mm models have been adopted as various mercenary forces in the Hammer’s Slammers universe for The Crucible ruleset. Since many of our models are also available in … Continue reading

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Town planning

Since I was quite happy with the results of my test desert building I decided to take Tony up on his challenge of making a town comprising of ten bases in a similar style. I’ve not finished them yet but thought I’d … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Painting and Modelling | 1 Comment

The Alaudae Legion – Ready for Battle

At the end of last year we released some unit packs and a couple of vehicles for a new Hammer’s Slammers mercenary force, the Alaudae Legion (which translates to ‘The Skylarks’). Over the last few weeks I’ve been putting together … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Painting and Modelling | 1 Comment

Small Scale Syria

With my Maidstone Wargames Society hat on, I recently put together a number of smallish towns and villages for the club’s 2016 show game, The Road to Homs ’82. Having been asked in the past for painting guides for our … Continue reading

Posted in Painting and Modelling, Small Scale Scenery | 2 Comments

The Little House on the Prairie

Well actually “Medium house in the desert” would be more accurate but that just didn’t sound quite as good. Its been a long time since I’ve painted any decent amount of 15mm sci-fi models. The majority of what I have … Continue reading

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Paper Panzers

Michael Ashford-Smith recently sent some photos of his project, repurposing some of our 15mm SF vehicles as German ‘Paper Panzers’ – a bit of speculation on the idea of German post-WW2 hovertanks. Sounds a bit odd, but please stick with … Continue reading

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Jutland Aeronef

My contribution to the recent Jutland Aeronef refight was a division of German battleships – specifically the 5th Division of the 3rd Battle Squadron, consisting of the SMS Koenig, Grosser Kurfurst, Kronprinz and Markgraf. Since we had pretty much free … Continue reading

Posted in Aeronef, Painting and Modelling | 1 Comment

Celtos Skeletons

Recently, Australian gamer Azazel send us some photos of some beautifully painted Celtos skeletons which he’d featured on his blog. They’re well worth showing again here, and we’re grateful to him for sharing them with us – visit his page … Continue reading

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