Category Archives: Painting and Modelling

Painting the Stewart Regiment

John Treadaway made an excellent job of painting his Stewart forces when he added them to the Hammer’s Slammers website last year. I was lucky enough to see them close-up earlier this year in a game at Maidstone (albeit from … Continue reading

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Islands in the Sky

I’ve always wanted to make some flying islands for Aeronef games, but never quite seem to be able to get around to it. But the other day I happened to watch Avatar again, and the sequence amongst the Hallelujah Mountains … Continue reading

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Painting Belgians part two – Carabinier cyclists

Part two of our Belgian painting guide was meant to be cavalry and it was meant to have been done a long long time ago (part one was after all back in August 2013) but apathy can be a wonderful … Continue reading

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Yanks and their Tanks

Do you remember the postie turning up last week with, amongst other things, some new 15mm American Republic SF vehicles ? We haven’t wasted any time with these and they’ve already been cleaned up and moulded. Since the plastic masters … Continue reading

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Tiny Terrain Part#2

At the end of last year I wrote about the creation of the terrain boards for my Stoke Rochford terrain. It’s taken a while to write this follow-up piece, but here it finally is. Anyway, this time I’m going to … Continue reading

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The Sulewesi National Army

The latest of our 15mm models to be co-opted into the Hammer’s Slammers background by John Treadaway are the South African wheeled vehicles. They represent the National Army of Sulewesi, a Malaysian mining colony riven by civil war. John has … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Painting and Modelling | 1 Comment

Tiny Terrain Part #1

A little while ago I attended the latest Stoke Rochford Aeronef event at one of the finest venues I’ve ever gamed in. The theme for the game was the invasion of England, with Her Majesty’s Aerial forces attempting to see … Continue reading

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A Sticky Lesson

In the last year or so we’ve increased our 15mm range by leaps and bounds, both vehicles and buildings. We’re now casting more and more pieces in resin and learning new lessons about the material, one of which I think … Continue reading

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It’s a Small World

I’ve been painting up some of our Small Scale Scenery range in the past week or two, ready for use in some upcoming games. I’ve started with some small factory and farm units, basing a mixture of buildings on 0.5mm … Continue reading

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Painting 15mm Germans

Following on from the post I wrote about painting the 15mm Brits in two-colour camouflage, I’ve been asked to do the same for the Germans in their three-colour ambush-style scheme. Whereas the blutack masked scheme can be achieved with spray … Continue reading

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