Category Archives: Previews

Alien Nation

Today was a rather glorious one weather-wise – the sun was shining but it wasn’t too hot, ideal for sitting out with paint and brushes putting colour on some more new models. Next up in our Salute preview series are … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2017 | 5 Comments

Ten-mil Towers

We try to have a spread of new releases across as many ranges as possible for Salute, and today we’re showing off two new 10mm SF buildings that we’ll have available on the day. They are small towers from the … Continue reading

Posted in 10mm SF, Previews, Salute 2017 | 1 Comment


It’s been longer than planned (mainly due to delays getting things painted), but it’s time to unveil the next of our Salute releases for this year. It’s based on the hull of our recently released 15mm Vombat tank, but features … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 2017 | 2 Comments

The 2017 Salute Sticky Page

Welcome to our Salute 2017 Page. Salute is the biggest event on the UK wargaming calendar, around 8000 people and 150 traders gathering at the ExCel centre in London for a day of frenzied shopping and gaming. For those who … Continue reading

Posted in 10mm SF, 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Aeronef, Imperial Skies, Previews, Salute 2017, Squadron Commander | 4 Comments

Polyversal Fulfilled

Great news – two large boxes landed on Collins Epic Wargames doorstep last week containing around 1600 vehicles and 1200 Power Armour. That means we’ve fulfilled the final part of our contribution to the Polyversal Kickstarter. Apparently we’re the first … Continue reading

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PacFed Progress

Although we’ve had a bit of a cold snap lately, during the day yesterday it was warm enough in the sunshine to work outside. I took advantage by firing up the airbrush and putting some paint on our new 6mm … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Painting and Modelling, Polyversal, Previews | Comments Off on PacFed Progress

Ten Sale Days Remaining

The Christmas sale is merrily sailing along (excuse the pun), and I’m going up to the local post office almost daily with piles of orders to be dispatched. It has ten days to run, so you still have plenty of … Continue reading

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PacFed Upgrades

One of our most popular 15mm ranges is the PacFed (Pacific Federation), probably because of their futuristic look with the wide grav skirts and rail guns. The designs are based on their 6mm counterparts but with a rather different styling … Continue reading

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Imperial Upgrade #3 – Russian Behemoths

I’ve been planning some new Russian Aeronef capital ships for a while – we rolled them into the Imperial Skies Kickstarter as a stretch goal, but the total didn’t quite get that far. However, since I had the idea for … Continue reading

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Imperial Upgrade #1 – Japanese Cruisin’

To support the Imperial Skies Kickstarter, we’ve needed to produce large numbers of models. Although we chose models that we felt we had reliable production moulds for, one or two have ended up being more troublesome than expected. One of … Continue reading

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