Category Archives: Previews

6mm Mercenaries

I spent yesterday at the workshop stocking up on our new releases, including the 6mm Mercenaries. I’ve also painted a sample set (as you can see above) and we’re really pleased with the way these have come out. We will … Continue reading

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Desert Domes

Sneaking onto the Salute release list at the last minute are some new SF buildings. These are a new style, constructed of overlapping domes and cylinders – a move away from the Middle-eastern style of the existing desert models. Five … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2015 | 3 Comments

Palmerston’s Follies

The postie came again yesterday, with what is the final batch of new masters for Salute. Such is our awesome efficiency (!) that these are already sitting in slowly curing rubber, ready for casting later this week. However, I swiftly … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Salute 2015, Small Scale Scenery | Comments Off on Palmerston’s Follies

Another fine day …

In contrast to yesterday’s near gales, today was a bit calmer and warmer – so perfect weather for casting outdoors again. As well as casting for orders and Salute stock, I was able to try out some new moulds for … Continue reading

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Soviets in Space

So, next on the Salute workbench is a new range of spaceships. The latest force to get a long-overdue spacefaring (and fighting) capability are the Soviets. The first batch consists of a battleship, two cruisers, two escorts and fighters. Like … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Spaceships | 2 Comments

Tiny Mercenaries

Our 6mm range is pretty big – something like 250 product codes. That said, we haven’t added much to it other than buildings and scenery for a little while, concentrating on the 15mm range, and I think maybe some of … Continue reading

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One Month and Counting …

I like days like today – it’s a brisk spring day, not too cold, so I can do some resin casting outside (but not so warm that the resin sets too fast, which can be a problem in the summer). … Continue reading

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Salute 2015 is now about five-and-a-half weeks away. Loads of time, aeons. That said, the show edition of Miniature Wargames has just dropped through the letterbox which reminds us that we’re getting ever closer. We’ve been planning our show releases … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 2015 | 2 Comments

Yanks and their Tanks

Do you remember the postie turning up last week with, amongst other things, some new 15mm American Republic SF vehicles ? We haven’t wasted any time with these and they’ve already been cleaned up and moulded. Since the plastic masters … Continue reading

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Mail Call – again !

The postie came Friday (several posties and couriers in fact, it was a busy day for deliveries !). The most exciting of these, notwithstanding the shiny new plastic storage boxes, was a small package from the 3D printers. Now you … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, Previews | 1 Comment