Category Archives: Previews

Garage preview

Surprisingly one of the more popular models in our 6mm Sci-fi building range is the humble garage, but up to now its not been available in 15mm. I’ve just finished the mould and made a couple of test castings so … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews | 3 Comments

Back again !

I’m back from sunnier climes, after a 10-hour race across France to make our scheduled train crossing ! Full of ideas for new models, there are some lovely buildings in the region which are crying out to be part of … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships | 3 Comments

2mm Previews part #2

Following on from yesterday’s post, we have a few more 2mm bits and pieces – again, if you follow our blog regularly you’ll have seen these in master form but not as castings. First up, three small coastal fortifications. The … Continue reading

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2mm Previews part #1

Phil and I have finally cleared the recent mini-tsunami of orders, so we’re hopefully back to normal again – which should mean more time to post here (and, before anyone asks, I’ll be back to prepping the new British spaceship … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Small Scale Scenery | 2 Comments

Enter the Shaman

Today’s preview is of a rather nice new light tank, the Shaman. This model has been designed by Kirk Alderfer and Zac Braham and as a combat role is intended for supporting coup-de-main forces inserted by VTOL, parachute or orbital … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, Previews | Comments Off on Enter the Shaman

It’s Oh So Quiet …

There’s been a shortage of activity here on the blog for a few days. It’s not that we haven’t been busy – just the opposite, in fact. We’ve been hit (in the nicest possible sense) by a bunch of large … Continue reading

Posted in 3D WW2, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Updates and General Waffle | 3 Comments

Quick previews

Not one, but two parcels have arrived at Brigade Towers lately, bearing more prints of new models – lots of them. 2mm buildings, 15mm SF vehicles, spaceships and a few odds and ends as well. It’s going to take me … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships | 4 Comments

15mm Previews

With the recent release of the new German 15mm vehicles (and the impending re-release of the EuroFed models) I’ve been working hard lately at redesigning more of our 15mm range (and coming up with new stuff too). First up, and … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews | 2 Comments

The Age of the Train

We thought we’d give you a quick look at some more 2mm buildings that we’ve been developing. We’ve taken to the rails (some would say we’ve gone off them) with a set of railway tracks and trackside buildings – stations, … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Small Scale Scenery | 8 Comments

Get Your Kicks

So … four more sleeps to Salute ! One of the downsides to running a trade stand at a show, especially one as busy as Salute, is that we don’t get much of a chance to wander round, chat to … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 2013 | 1 Comment