Category Archives: Previews

Another hi-tech building

Five days to go until Salute……. Very quickly before I bundle the sprogs off to school. I did the first couple of castings of the second of our 15mm “hi-tech” buildings last night.

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 2013 | 1 Comment

Another little building

Just seven days to Salute and counting … Amongst all the other jobs of last weekend I managed to make the first castings of another new 6mm building. A second tower for our desert building range. Its shown below with … Continue reading

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Two weeks and counting …

Two weeks and counting … well, slightly less in fact, just 13 (count ’em !) days until Salute. Which is all a bit scary, it seems to have crept up on us again. We’re on stand TM04 – go in … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2013, Shows, Spaceships, Squadron Commander | Comments Off on Two weeks and counting …

Off to the shipyards …

Several British spaceships were today spotted making their way towards the Brigade shipyards, ready for moulding. Most of the fleet were there, although the new Fisher-class dreadnoughts were conspicuous by their absence (the real reason ? I left the Fisher … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Salute 2013, Shapeways | 8 Comments

More little buildings

A few more 6mm building previews today. First up is small commercial unit with a loading bay. Second is a square building. I’m not sure whether its meant to be anything in particular but it will be useful if you … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2013 | 5 Comments

Swabhuana Paksa*

More cool previews today – these are the first new models for Squadron Commander for a while, and the first sculpted digitally. The two models are the Pedang interceptor (top) and Kampak attack fighter (bottom) – the names mean ‘Sword’ … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Squadron Commander | 7 Comments

EuroFed Comparisons

The new EuroFed vehicle prints have arrived – they’ve already been cleaned up, primed and I’ve handed them over to Phil for mould-making. However, I did remember to take some photos before they went. As we did with the Germans, … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews | 5 Comments

Building previews

As part of our build-up for Salute in April (one month to go and so much still to do) I’m working my way through the stack of un-released building models that we have. I’ve moulded the first couple and made … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2013 | 2 Comments

Bonjour !

More previews today; as we continue in our ongoing plan to replace all of our existing 15mm range with new, remastered and rescaled models, I’ve been working on on of our most popular armies, the European Federation. The first two … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews | 8 Comments

Royal Navy Reinforcements

Following on from our preview of the digital models of the Royal Space Navy a little while back, we’ve completed the last of the modelling and are pretty much ready to get the masters printed. We’re waiting on a sample … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Spaceships | 13 Comments