Category Archives: Previews

An Old Favourite

One of our most popular spaceships has always been the German Pommerania Dreadnought. It was one of our earliest models and has been through several iterations as a multipart kit, then a single piece hull cast firstly in metal and … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Spaceships | 4 Comments

PacFed Prints

Finally managed some photos – the translucent prints aren’t the easiest thing to photograph, the lack of contrast makes it hard to pick things out but the photos below are reasonably clear I hope. There are a few print lines … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews | 5 Comments

More unidentified stuff in a jar …

No, I promise it’s not something nasty  ! Any guesses what the model is ? It shouldn’t be too hard …

Posted in 3D Print, Previews, Spaceships | 13 Comments

Clean-up Job

One of the most tedious parts of getting a model into production is the unglamourous but very necessary job of cleaning up master castings (known as ‘tins’) ready for the production moulds. I find this part of the process extremely … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Mouldmaking and Casting, Previews | 1 Comment

More 15mm Goodness

Following on from the first successful castings of the Bizon bits last week, I’m suddenly feeling much better about finally making some progress with our new 15mm models. We have several Neo-Soviet vehicles printed and in various stages of the … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews | 1 Comment

Interesting Times

For the last year or so we’ve been experimenting with 3D printed models in various shapes and forms. We’ve been playing with different printing materials from different printing houses, different types of mould, different ways of preparing the models before … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Mouldmaking and Casting, Previews | 2 Comments

Tiny Houses

As mentioned in a recent post, we’re planning to expand our range of 2mm scenery as part of the Land Ironclads range. To this end, we were rather excited when a bunch of 3D prints arrived the other week. The … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Land Ironclads, Previews, Shapeways, Small Scale Scenery | 3 Comments

Threat from the East

Anyone who has read the background and history of the Iron Cow rulebook will know of the rise of the Indonesian Republic toward the end of the 21st century. Conquering many of their island neighbours and even threatening the eastern … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, 6mm SF, Previews | 6 Comments

More Land Ironclads Forts

More previews, this time of a couple of new Land Ironclads forts. These are variations on the existing Maunsell sea fort, one with a single turret and leg and the other a much larger four-turret fortress. We should have stocks … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Land Ironclads, Previews, Small Scale Scenery | 3 Comments

Another Belgian sneak peek

In addition to completing the Belgian civilians Aaron has also started on something else for our WWI range. He hasn’t finished yet so just a little sneak peek for now……

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