Category Archives: Previews

More Belgians….

Following on from the rather belated release of our latest Belgian infantry figures we have a preview of some more. This time its a selection of six (well actually six and a half) refugees. As with the others in the … Continue reading

Posted in Great War, Previews | 4 Comments

More Scandinavian previews

I found time to put together sample of each of the rest of the Scandinavian aeronef last night (at least those that came out of the mould OK – three of the castings had bent funnels so will have to … Continue reading

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The City of the Future

Terraformed Mars is a harsh place – cold, sandstorms, nothing but rocks and desert for miles. Life in the colonies is tough. Unless you live in one of the few cities of course, where live is comfortable, clean and almost … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, 6mm SF, Previews | 9 Comments

That’s All, Folks !

So the last part of our sale is all done and dusted … and what a sale it’s been ! September is normally a very slow month, no-one has any money after their summer holidays and it’s generally rather quiet … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Land Ironclads, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Special Offers | 10 Comments

Preview – Scandinavian Aeronef

I had meant to include images of the Scandinavian Union Aeronef models in yesterday’s post, but time had overtaken me and I didn’t get the photos taken (and, if truth be told, three of the models weren’t quite finished). But … Continue reading

Posted in Aeronef, Previews | 8 Comments

The Scandinavian Union

[edit – I did start off titling this as the Scandinavian Confederation but I had a change of mind, so we now have the Scandinavian Union. The post has been edited throughout to reflect this] Last week we revealed some … Continue reading

Posted in Aeronef, Previews | 1 Comment

These are not Turnips

The brigadieress was out yesterday evening, off for a girl’s night out with some friends, so I settled in for an evening of master making. There was even some cricket on the box to keep me amused (not proper cricket, … Continue reading

Posted in Aeronef, Previews | 1 Comment

Power Armour Release Date

The wait is finally over and we’re ready to go now with the Power Armour – the torso and arm moulds are finished, spun, tested and we have our first batch of stock. We’ll be releasing them next week (Monday … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews | 2 Comments

Coming Soon

More previews (we really must get some of this stuff into production moulds and released !). First up, two Aeronef – an Austro-Hungarian heavy destroyer and a Brazilian frigate. And also new in our spaceships range, a German Destroyer Leader … Continue reading

Posted in Aeronef, Previews, Spaceships | 2 Comments

Summer holidays …

As this gets published, I’ll be departing on a Eurotunnel train bound for Calais and then onto Normandy for a week in the sun (I hope – who knows after this summer !!). I’ll be leaving everything in Phil’s capable … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews | 2 Comments