Category Archives: Previews

Bored now …

Just in case you thought we’d gone quiet on the 15mm Power Armour … I’m in the middle of cleaning up castings for 58 arms and 18 torsos to make the production moulds. After much debate, we’ve decided on a … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Mouldmaking and Casting, Previews | 1 Comment

Bunker Soldiers

Something new for a Monday … a turret bunker so you can make your very own Maginot Line. The pictures show it with a Polish Maczek tank turret because that’s what I had handy, but we’ll be selling it with … Continue reading

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Size matters …

… just ask the Brigadieress ! Actually no, don’t … Anyway, I’ve been asked for some comparison shots of the Power Armour, so I quickly set one up last night with some of our Alien Civilian figures. As you can … Continue reading

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There’s no ‘arm in asking …

So, separate arms or not … this is the question I posed over on TMP earlier. Phil and I felt that assembling arms on 15mm figures might be too fiddly, but it seems that perhaps not everyone shares this reservation. … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews | 1 Comment

Teasing Again

A follow-on from our previous teaser, straight from the mould (sprue and all) … Actually, as teasers go this is a bit pants as I’m sure you all know what they are !! I’ll be putting some of these together … Continue reading

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Bits ‘n’ pieces

While I had the camera out for the Bizon the other evening, I took the opportunity to take a few snaps of some work-in-progress 6mm stuff that was lying on the workbench. I tend to work on multiple items at … Continue reading

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15mm Bizon

Another package of 3D prints turned up today, the first for a while (I took a well-earned break after the 3D printing madness of the Pegasus Bridge game). The biggest item in there was the print (or prints, for there … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, Previews | 1 Comment

15mm Teaser

Just a single work-in-progress photo, we’ll say no more for the moment …

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Aeronef previews

My master building days haven’t quite gone according to plan (sick children & shopping for my mother) but I have managed to make some progress. Tony introduced me to the Caproni Ca.60 a little while ago. This was a prototype passenger … Continue reading

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More Soviets

Modelling work on the 15mm Soviets continues apace; in addition to the Kunitsa APC and Laska tankette already previewed, we have the following models ready for printing: We’re working hard on turning these collections of bits and bytes into resin … Continue reading

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