Category Archives: Spaceships

Flesh and Steel

Today we’ve added the third book in Legionnaire Games’ Task Force Zeta series of starship rules, Flesh and Steel, to the website. TFZ-003 – Task Force Zeta: Flesh and Steel – £12.00 Task Force Zeta: Flesh and Steel pits the … Continue reading

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Salute Release Pricing

Ten days to Salute (aaaaghh !!!). So here we go … details and pricing for some of the Salute Releases. We’ll update this page with more as we go along so you may want to revisit again before the day. … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Great War, Land Ironclads, New Releases, Salute 2013, Spaceships, Squadron Commander | 13 Comments

Two weeks and counting …

Two weeks and counting … well, slightly less in fact, just 13 (count ’em !) days until Salute. Which is all a bit scary, it seems to have crept up on us again. We’re on stand TM04 – go in … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Previews, Salute 2013, Shows, Spaceships, Squadron Commander | Comments Off on Two weeks and counting …

Plans for the weekend…….

Its just me (and the cat) in the house the weekend. No children!!!! Just time for me to play catch-up in the final couple of weeks before Salute. And my god I’m going to need the time. The list of … Continue reading

Posted in Mouldmaking and Casting, Salute 2013, Spaceships, Updates and General Waffle | 3 Comments

A Late Easter Present

This new release was supposed to appear on Sunday, but we didn’t get to test the mould in time. And we decided not to post it Monday, it didn’t seem to be the best day for it (this model has … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, New Releases, Spaceships | 4 Comments

All Quiet on the Western Front

We’ve been a bit quiet this week – that’s for a couple of reasons, firstly and mainly because we’re still working flat out trying to clear the order backlog caused by the anniversary sale weekend (two months’ worth of orders … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Spaceships, Updates and General Waffle | 10 Comments

Royal Navy Reinforcements

Following on from our preview of the digital models of the Royal Space Navy a little while back, we’ve completed the last of the modelling and are pretty much ready to get the masters printed. We’re waiting on a sample … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Spaceships | 13 Comments

The Senior Service

At the very end of our Twelve days of Christmas blog series, we previewed some early work-in-progress shots of the British Royal Navy spaceships. I’ve been working on these for the last 2-3 weeks, and the initial batch are pretty … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Spaceships | 16 Comments

The Return of the King

We mentioned a while back that an old favourite would be making a return soon. The re-release of the Pommerania class dreadnought is now a step closer with the first successful castings coming out of the master mould last week. … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Spaceships | 2 Comments

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me … The Royal Space Navy; A PacFed recce vehicle; Indonesian fighters; A control tower and store-house; 15mm bunker; 15mm Houses; Middle-eastern buildings; Five German tanks ! Four Desert Buildings; … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Spaceships | 7 Comments