Category Archives: Spaceships

Munich class Battleship

Today we’re starting to add our new releases from Salute to the website. The first model, purely because it has the first SKU code, is the German Munich battleship. This fills the gap between the Pomerania dreadnought and the Thuringen … Continue reading

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Salute #3 – More Spaceships

The next two additions to our Salute line-up this year are again spaceships. To accompany the Munich battleship, the Germans also get the Bodensee carrier, a large twin-hulled vessel. Meanwhile, in the low orbits above the other side of the … Continue reading

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Salute 50

This year’s Salute (Salute 50 to give it the correct title) is rapidly heaving into view – happening on Saturday April 22nd, it’s less than three weeks away as we write this. Held once again in the ExCel Centre in … Continue reading

Posted in Salute 2023, Shows, Spaceships | 2 Comments

The Blue Eminence

Our run of new releases carries on this week, with the European Federation receive substantial reinforcement in the form of the Richelieu class Superdreadnought. At 120mm long, it’s the largest spaceship we’ve made (so far), bigger even than the British … Continue reading

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Station to Station

Today sees the release of another new space station to follow the Argos and Orthros. Following the mythological canine naming theme, this one is called the Maera, the dog of Erigone, daughter of Icarius. It’s a simple 3-piece kit with … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Junior Takes Over

As we push on with updating older models, we’re been slowly replacing ones which are tricky to cast or mould. One of these is the Kerberos space station, which is quite wearing on its moulds so that they need constant … Continue reading

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HM Queen Elizabeth II

On the day of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, we Brigadiers would like to add our condolences and pay our respects to our late Monarch. Because of the bank holiday occasioned by the funeral we’ll be delaying the reopening … Continue reading

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EuroFed Battlefleet

Tony’s still on holiday, so there’s not much going on at the moment. We had a good day at the Joy of Six last Sunday – unfortunately we didn’t get to see much of the show itself, one of the … Continue reading

Posted in Galleries, Spaceships | 1 Comment

PacFed Updates

Two more spaceships have had an upgrade this week, with new versions of the Pacific Federation Tigershark battleship and Sei carrier. Both are now 2-piece resin castings with improved detailing, and being all-resin makes them lighter and easier to base. … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

The Last, Best Hope

After a false start (I made a mistake on the original master…), this week we have a new addition to our spaceships range, the Argos space station. It has a cylindrical resin main hull with four metal solar panels, two … Continue reading

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