Category Archives: Spaceships

Jump They Say

This week, we have these very handy Jump Gates – ideal for spaceship games as objectives or deployment markers. Each one is a three part casting – the panels/fins are separate from the rings, and they’re interchangeable so you can … Continue reading

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The Emperor and the Wind

In between the rash of 15mm releases we have other things as well, so this week we have two new capital ships to add to our Chinese Democratic Socialist Union fleet. The first is the ChengZu class battlecruiser, named for … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Chinese Reinforcements

This week we have some more new spaceships, additions to our Chinese fleet. The largest is a new version of the Jiangzi Flag dreadnought, a version of the existing Jiangzi with an enlarged superstructure for fleet command facilities. The Jiangzi … Continue reading

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Back in Stock

A box unexpectedly turned up at Brigade Towers the other day with a restock of Starmada Unity rulebooks, so we’ve been able to restore that to the website again. That is all. STAR-005 – Starmada Unity – £20.00

Posted in Spaceships | 1 Comment

A True Leviathan

Our second spaceship release this week is one many people have been waiting for – the Leviathan class Fleet Carrier. We previewed it around Christmas time but decided to hold it back for Salute as one of our flagship releases … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Salute 2020, Spaceships, Special Offers | 1 Comment

Clockwork Spaceships

Next off the Brigade new release rollercoaster is this trio of Swiss spaceships. Our original Swiss ship was the Feldkirch, sculpted for us by Sean Bayan Schoonmaker. Unfortunately it’s always been a rather lonely vessel, so we decided it was … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Salute 2020, Spaceships, Special Offers | 1 Comment

Federation Fighters

This week we have four new sets of fleet scale fighters in our spaceship range; two South African and two PacFed. If we can be entirely candid for a moment, there as much for our benefit as yours, since both … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

EuroFed Battlecruiser

Today we have another of the models we previewed over Christmas – this is the EuroFed battlecruiser Tetuán. At 74mm long, the vessel is larger than a Liberte class battleship, with heavier main weapons and a higher top speed. This … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Shining Bright

At Crisis last year, I was shown some pictures of our EuroFed spaceships by Eric Pigat. Nothing unusual about that, we love to see photos of our models painted up, since many of you seem to do a much better … Continue reading

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A Billion Suns

If you haven’t already heard of it, A Billion Suns is a new set of spaceship rules from Osprey. They have been written by Mike Hutchinson, author of Gaslands, so come with a great pedigree, and are due for release … Continue reading

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