Category Archives: Spaceships

Enemy Warship Sighted

+++++The Military Space Fleet of the Neo-Soviet Union unveiled it’s latest battleship, the Admiral Zhukov recently. The vessel, along with several previously unknown members of its class has now entered active service.+++++ The new Zhukov went down well at Salute, … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Stalin’s General

Revealed at the latest Victory Day fly-past, the Neo-Soviet Union have unveiled their latest starship, the Marshal Zhukov. Armed with the same standard Mass Accelerator turrets as other Neo-Soviet capital ships, the Zhukov also has a heavier Mass Driver main … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Salute 2018, Spaceships | 2 Comments

The Salute 2018 Page

So, with exactly two weeks to go until the doors to Salute are thrown open, it’s high time we set up our Salute releases page for this year. This page is where you’ll find the definitive list of confirmed releases … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Aeronef, Great War, Hammer's Slammers, Imperial Skies, Previews, Salute 2018, Shows, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships | 5 Comments

You Came in That Thing? You’re Braver Than I Thought …

More Salute previews today – and the first confirmed releases (that is, nailed down with product codes, prices ‘n’ all). This is a series of small merchant starships – probably privately owned vessels, running errands and cargoes (and possibly fugitives) … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Salute 2018, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Snow Business

Our corner of the UK has been hit a couple of times by what for us is quite heavy falls of snow (5″-6″ or so). In comparison to (say) North America or Scandinavia it’s probably only a piddling amount, but … Continue reading

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The Final Frontier

Almost a year ago (the first models appeared at Salute 2017) we started on the redesign and relaunch of our European Federation spaceship fleet. Today, that task is finally complete as we release the last of the new designs. First … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 11 Comments

Stats Update

We’ve released a fair number of new spaceships and Aeronef in recent months, so last week I sat down and updated our gaming support pages with stats for Aeronef and Starmada X. This includes all the new Nef released since … Continue reading

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Sleeping Satellite

Ages ago we used to have a couple of small satellite models in the spaceships range, but they disappeared due to issues with the production moulds. This week we’re releasing a replacement model, an all new design that will serve … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 2 Comments

Dropping from Orbit

The Fearless class of Assault Ship is capable of carrying a full Royal Marine battalion plus supporting vehicles, including a company of tanks, through jumpspace into orbit ready for insertion. This task is accomplished by atmosphere-capable craft including the Heracles … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 2 Comments

Federal Reinforcements

It’s time for the next batch of new models for our EuroFed spaceships range. We brought out the first wave in time for Salute, but this only replaced a small part of the existing fleet. Today we have a pair … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 3 Comments