Category Archives: Spaceships

Unity is Strength

The latest version of Majestic 12 Game’s excellent Starmada ruleset is the Unity edition. We’ve just taken delivery of stock of the rulebook and very good it looks too. Starmada has always been a game with simple mechanisms that layer … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Fleet Upgrade

This week’s main attraction is the website release of the new EuroFed spaceship models. There are seven all-new digitally-sculpted ships along with two fighter types. Most of the models retain a similar outline to their predecessors, but are much changed … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

The Return of the Hound of Hades

As mentioned just before Salute, Phil has remoulded his Kerberos spacestation model which has been out of production for a while. I’ve painted one of the new castings and it’s finally made it way back onto the website again. The … Continue reading

Posted in Spaceships | 1 Comment

Last Minute Additions

Phil’s just emailed me to say he’s remade the mould for our long out-of-production Kerberos spacestation, so we’ll have several examples of that for sale tomorrow. The Kerberos is a three-spoked ring station which is a single-piece resin casting, and … Continue reading

Posted in Salute 2017, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Upgrading the Federation

When I mentioned yesterday that we’d reached the end of the new items for Salute, that wasn’t quite true (turns out that I’d got my order of publishing posts mixed up !)- although we really are almost done now. Today’s … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Salute 2017, Spaceships | 2 Comments

Missile Menace

As a New Year comes around, our Neo-Soviet spacefleet receive a boost in the form of three new vessels. The Slava-class Missile Cruiser is fitted with two missile pods each carrying four 18K64-series missiles and a decent gun battery to … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Merchant Ivory

We have a small but popular set of merchants in our spaceships range, but it hasn’t been added to for a while. That was supposed to change at Salute, but that didn’t go quite as we hoped. However, all is … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 2 Comments

And Again With the Merchants…

Remember those merchant spaceships we previewed before Salute? And how they didn’t quite make it, but we promised to remake the mould and get them out as soon as possible? Well, here’s a second set of masters with a few … Continue reading

Posted in 3D Print, Aeronef, Previews, Spaceships | Comments Off on And Again With the Merchants…

Not Everything Always Goes to Plan !

Today I was supposed to be posting about more Salute releases – some merchant spaceships, to be precise. We think the masters looked lovely (see below to decide for yourselves). Sadly the mould didn’t play ball :-(. This happens sometimes … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Previews, Salute 2016, Spaceships | Comments Off on Not Everything Always Goes to Plan !

Hey, Gagarin !

The latest addition to our Neo-Soviet spaceship fleet is the Gagarin-class Dreadnought. Named for hero Pilot-Cosmonauts of the Space Race-era, the Gagarins carry almost twice the firepower of the Voroshilov class battleships. The Gagarin is a resin-hulled model with metal … Continue reading

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 2 Comments