Category Archives: Updates and General Waffle

The Show’s Over

So that’s it – Salute is over for another year. It’s a bit like Christmas in that we spend weeks preparing for it, then it’s all over in a day. We had a very busy time again, with the two … Continue reading

Posted in Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

A Decade On

It’s a small but significant anniversary today – it’ll be ten years since one of us (Tony to be precise) took the plunge and threw himself into Brigade full time. Overall, Brigade has been running for almost 36 years, but … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Happy New Year !

OK, so we’re a couple of days late, but Happy New Year anyway … We’re also back in the workshop and working through the backlog. We don’t usually get many orders between Christmas and New Year, so we can safely … Continue reading

Posted in Previews, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Have a Good One !

We’re fast approaching Christmas, just four days to go as this post is published. We’ve spent the week ploughing through the sale orders, which came in a very big flurry in the last couple of days of the promotion. We’re … Continue reading

Posted in Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Gaming with the General

Next week sees our final show of 2023, RE-PLAY at the Royal Engineers Museum in Gillingham, Kent. The event has a selection of traders, demonstration and participation games along with the opportunity to pit your wits against Major General (Retired) … Continue reading

Posted in Shows, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Instant RE-PLAY

A three part post today – starting with the news that we’re attending a new show in the Royal Engineers Museum in Gillingham, Kent. It’s been organised at rather short notice, and is taking place on October 28th. If nothing … Continue reading

Posted in Shows, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

The End of an Era

First up – we’re back into the swing of things after the holiday break, and working through the orders that came in while we were away. Everything up to September 12th has been finished and shipped out, and we’re making … Continue reading

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Under Maintenance

The website is having a bit of work done on it so it’ll be down for a little while. Hopefully we won’t end up breaking it all…

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Time for a Short Break

After last Sunday’s return to the Hereward show for the first time in four years, we’re gearing up and restocking for Colours on Saturday. After this, it’s holiday time again – Tony is off to the south coast with the … Continue reading

Posted in Updates and General Waffle | 2 Comments

Bases are back again!

After a v-e-r-y long hiatus, we’ve managed to get hold of new stock of the hex-base flying stands again. 13000 of the little blighters turned up at the end of last week (proof is in the picture below) to finally … Continue reading

Posted in Accessories, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment