Junior Takes Over

As we push on with updating older models, we’re been slowly replacing ones which are tricky to cast or mould. One of these is the Kerberos space station, which is quite wearing on its moulds so that they need constant replacement. We’ve been working on a new version, codenamed ‘Kerberos Junior’ for a while now.

Today we’re unveiling the Orthros space station, which is very similar in design to the Kerberos but a bit smaller (roughly 2/3rds the diameter of the Kerberos) and much easier for us to cast and maintain. You can see the difference between the Kerberos and Orthros below:

In case you’re wondering about the name – well, Kerberos (or Cerberus) was a 3-headed dog from Greek mythology; Orthros was a 2-headed dog, so 2/3rds the heads for 2/3rds the size !

SFS-6009 – Orthros Space Station – £9.00

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Ford Model T Ambulance

We’ve made good progress on orders this week – everything left over from before the holiday break went in the post yesterday, as did a good number of those that have arrived since. By the end of today we should be back to normal (whatever that is).

So by way of celebration, here’s the latest addition to our range of 3D printed Great War vehicles – the Ford Model T Ambulance. Over 5000 examples were built for the Allies by Ford, and their robust design made them very successful in the role. Mechanically very simple and easy to maintain and repair, their light weight helped them negotiate the mud of the rear echelon areas – and if one did get stuck, a group of soldiers could easily lift it free. As with most of our other vehicles, a destroyed version is also available.

The Model T Ambulance (intact and destroyed) will become part of our Surgeon General range, which is dedicated to raising money for the MacMillan Cancer Support charity.

Found behind the opposite lines is the enormous 21cm Mörser M10. Despite it’s name, it was really a howitzer – 216 were in service in 1914 before being replaced from 1916 onwards by the lighter and longer ranged M16.

GW28-202 – Ford Model T Ambulance – £10.00
GW28-202d – Destroyed Model T Ambulance – £10.00
GW28-302 – Mörser 21cm M10 – £14.00

Posted in 3D Print, Great War, New Releases | 1 Comment

HM Queen Elizabeth II

On the day of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, we Brigadiers would like to add our condolences and pay our respects to our late Monarch. Because of the bank holiday occasioned by the funeral we’ll be delaying the reopening of the website until this evening. We’ll be back at the workshop tomorrow (Tuesday) rather than today as originally planned.

Image by West Midlands police, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

We’d also like to pay our own very small tribute by renaming the largest of our British spaceships, the Leviathan class carrier, which will now be know as the Queen Elizabeth II class. We must thank one of our New Zealand customers, Phil Lane, for the original idea.

SFS-111 – Queen Elizabeth II class Fleet Carrier – £12.00

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Holiday time

Next week Tony’s off for a late summer holiday (staying in a posh tent like the one below), so we will effectively be closed for a few days. We’ve posted as many orders as we could get done in the time, although with the Royal Mail strikes this week it will be a few days before these finally reach you (however, today’s has been called off which will ease things a little). Any outstanding orders will be tackled as soon as we get back on the 19th of September. Because we already have a not-insignificant backlog of orders, we will be closing the webshop for a few days – you’ll still be able to browse, but we’ll disable the shopping cart. We don’t usually do this, but we feel it’s better to not take any orders for a short period than allow a very large backlog to accumulate which would leave people waiting a while for their orders while we work through it. Obviously we’ll post on here as soon as we’re back to normal again.

This afternoon we set off for Colours, which is happening tomorrow for the first time in three years – and this year entrance is free, to encourage as large an attendance as possible. We’re on the ground floor at the eastern end of the building, stand A26. The stand may look a little sparse – this year we’re pared things down for minimal set-up/pack-up time, so Tony can make a fast getaway, head back to the workshop, unload everything from his car and then reload it again the next morning with luggage and dog ! We’ll have the usual comprehensive selection of stock, just fewer display models.

Posted in Shipping Stories, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Gallic Workhorse

The next addition to our growing range of 28mm WWI 3D-printed vehicles is the Berliet CBA truck, of which around 40000 were made between 1913 and 1932. It was the most common French transport vehicle of the Great War, with 25000+ reaching the French army, and were especially vital in keeping the frontline of the Battle of Verdun supplied. They were still in service during the 1940 campaign, carrying 75mm guns of the French Mounted Artillery regiments. These old guns, which were designed to be horse-drawn, couldn’t be towed at speeds greater than 5mph so they were transported on the back of the CBAs.

As with our other releases, there are both intact and destroyed versions – the latter looks particularly sad lying on its side… Phil has done a cracking job on the painted version, recreating the Berliet logo on the canvas awning in freehand.

GW28-401 – Berliet CBA – £21.00
GW28-401d – Destroyed CBA – £21.00

Posted in 3D Print, Great War, New Releases | 1 Comment

polski brygadier

When we took on the ArmiesArmy range of 15mm figures we inherited a splendid looking British officer figure complete with handlebar moustache, electronic monocle and swagger stick. Although his rank at the time was uncertain, we adopted him as ‘The Brigadier’. I’ve painted several versions of him, and our current Twitter/Facebook profile picture is a version in Ukrainian colours. Later we added a version of him to the PacFed armoured infantry, still with the monocle but with a big gun instead of the swagger stick. More recently he swapped his armour for a head scarf and cloak and took to the sands as part of the new range of Hashemite Desert Raiders – this version was nicknamed ‘The Brigadier of Arabia’.

Now the Brigadier has gone east and has become the ‘polski brygadier’ – or Polish Brigadier. The swagger stick is back, and he looks very dapper in his wide breeches and Polish cavalry boots. He also sports a square-topped czapka peaked cap.

After the news of a new version of the Brigadier, anything else is bound to be underwhelming, but we’ll plough on. Also new this week is a 15mm trailer-mounted air-defence system known as the Atgeir, made from a new missile mounting fitted to the existing Varningr trailer. The quad-missile launcher has four parts – two missile pairs, launcher body and base.

The missile mount is also available separately and will fit into the back of some of our flat bed vehicles, such as the Lievre, Connestoga or Hippo.

SF15-1366 – The Polish Brigadier – £0.50
HS15-1818c – Varningr Missile Trailer – £4.50
SF15-945 – AA Missile Launcher – £2.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Postal delays and Return to Colours

If you’re in the UK you’ll probably know this, but for the benefit of our overseas customers, Royal Mail staff are staging a series of strikes which could affect our shipping times. The first one was last week and the second yesterday, so although we shipped out a lot of orders today they will probably be caught in the backlog. There will be more strikes next week – these are on consecutive days (8th and 9th) so there will be significant delays then. We will post as many orders as we can on the 7th to try and get ahead of the strike. We then have a final late summer holiday break for a week after that, so no orders will be processed from September 9th to the 18th – we’ll deal with them as as fast as we can when we return on the 19th.

In other news, we’re going back to Colours at Newbury Racecourse for the first time since 2019. The show is on Saturday week (September 10th) and, as a thank you to a very patient public, the organisers have decided to make entrance free for the day – so you can come along, have a look and the games and peruse the traders for nothing (you could spend the money you’ve saved on the entrance fee at our stand – just a suggestion … 🙂 ).

Newbury Stands – ©RacingKel, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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Great War Leviathans

Earlier in the summer we posted about a new range of 3D printed Great War vehicles in 28mm. It’s taken us a little longer than expected, but the first of them have reached the website.

We’ve started with what is pretty much the iconic WWI tank, the British Mark IV. This is the Male version armed with two 6pdrs and three Lewis machine guns. It’s accompanied by a destroyed version that has obviously had a close encounter with some German artillery.

Our second model in this first batch is at the opposite end of the size scale. The Ford M1918 3-ton tank was developed by the US as an alternative to the French-built FT-17, and took a number of design features from the latter vehicle. It was turretless, and armed with a machine gun mounted in the bow. Only fifteen were built and, of these, only one made it to Europe before the Armistice.

GW28-102 – Mark IV Male – £25.00
GW28-102d – Destroyed Mark IV Male – £25.00
GW28-201 – Ford M1918 3-ton Tank – £6.50
GW28-201d – Destroyed Ford M1918 3-ton Tank – £6.50

Posted in 3D Print, Great War, New Releases | 1 Comment

Black China

It seems that everything is against us at the moment – this week saw our main air compressor, the one that drives the centrifuge, pack up (an outlet pipe fractured so it was just leaking air out through an ever-widening crack). So cue a frantic search for a replacement, which fortunately arrived the next working day and was fitted and working soon after. So we had a small delay on getting some orders out, but we seem to be back on track again. We’ve also got hold of a new outlet so we should be able to fix the old one and keep it as a spare in case of future failures.

So back onto our regular programming, and a new force for Hammer’s Slammers in 15mm. These are the Han Chinese, from the Slammers’ story The Warrior. Specifically, these are the Han Black Banner Brigade, an elite armoured formation. The old Han Chinese list was pretty basic – just a single 8×8 APC – so we’ve beefed them up with some brand new vehicles. Their primary equipment consists of 8×8 wheeled vehicles with wide balloon tyres, ideal for negotiating the local terrain. The ZTZ-81 is a wheeled tank with a heavy laser in a remote mount, while the ZSL-94 is a personnel carrier on the same chassis with a combined light laser/missile mount. They also utilise the CSK-27 Lìliàng 4×4 Scout Car with either twin MG or twin missile armament.

HS15-501 – ZTZ-81 8×8 Laser Tank – £8.00
HS15-502 – ZSL-94 8×8 APC – £8.00
HS15-503 – CSK-27 Lìliàng 4×4 Scout Car – £4.00

We’re working on some additional follow-on Han forces – the People’s National Guard, rather less-well trained troops who ride in large 8×8 trucks or, in some cases, on trikes. Expect to see these later in the year. The source story is well worth a read, with Han troops supported by Slammers blower tanks attacking a Hindi-held village across paddy fields. If you happen to have an Audible subscription then several Slammers stories, including this one, are part of the Audible Plus catalogue (so you can listen without using one of your credits).

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Castle Upgrades

We have a trio of new add-ons for the budding 1/1000th scale castle builders out there.

First up is a new large bastion to fit the Vauban Fortifications range. This is the Baluarte de San Domingo, part of the walls of the Colombian coastal city of Cartagena de Indias. We’ve tweaked it slightly to fit the dimensions of our existing wall pieces, so it should nicely into your layout. The original has guns lining the ramparts – we don’t supply any, but our fort guns pack would be ideal.

Next is a new keep for the modular castles range – this one has a triangular layout with a round tower at each corner. It’s not based on any specific historical prototype, but may have uses when making a fantasy castle.

Finally, another castle add-on. This is a Dansker, also known as a latrine tower. These were towers over a running stream which were linked to the main building by a bridge – sometimes they extended out over the main castle wall. They were often features of central European castles (such as our Crusader castle) – I’m sure you can guess their purpose from the name (!). The origin of the alternative name Dansker isn’t clear – it comes either from the town of Danzig, from Dansk meaning Dane (ie one from Denmark) or an old Prussian word meaning ‘wet or humid’ – take your pick…

SSS-8121e – Triangular Keep – £2.00
SSS-8152e – Baluarte de San Domingo – £3.00
SSS-8192 – Dansker – £1.75

Posted in New Releases, Small Scale Scenery | 1 Comment